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Capture Attendee Data


This is where you will setup the data to be capture when an attendee logs into the Attendee application.

From the left side menu, click on Attendees, then click Capture Attendee Data.


New Collection

Select the New button. A new window will open requesting a Collection Name to be entered and then Create button. The list will appear to the right side of the screen for editing. Follow the directions in the Data Fields.

Edit Collection

Select from the Collection Fields drop down then click on the Edit button. The list will appear to the right of the screen for editing.

Delete Collection

Select from the Collection Fields drop down then click on the Delete button. A confirmation window will apear. If you accept the terms, click on the Confirm Delete button.

Data Fields

The green Recycle icon on the top of the page will reset all teh fields back to its default naming.

The Label Name allows you to change the name of the field that is displayed to the Attendee.

The Enable switch when purple will display the field to the Attendee.

The Required switch when purple will set the field to be required by the Attendee.

The drop down for Country/State/City can be used. We wished we had every small city in the world listed, but there isn't a database that has this. If you have many attendees coming from small cities, then we recommend that you set this to Open Text Fields and allow the Attendee to enter that data or allow their browser to auto-populate the data.

Take care

Do not use a single or double quote in any of the label field names.

The fields that has a Finger icon before it willl allow a radio button to exist. Which means an attendee can only select one item. You can have as many selection items up to a max of 500 characters.

Enter the question and then (space) then use the # character to start with each question.

Are you having fun ? #Yes #No #Perhaps #Munchies

The fields that have a Thumbs Up icon require 2 answers and the Attendee must choose one or the other. You can have only two selection items up to a max of 200 characters.

Enter the question and then (space) then use the # character to start with each question.

Which animal is the better pet? #Dog #Cat

The fields with a Check box icon allows the Attendee to check a box and select one or several answers. You can have as many selection items up to a max of 300 characters.

Enter the question and then (space) then use the # character to start with each question.

What Newspapers do you read ? #Chicago Tribune #Wall Street Journal #Local Paper #Online only

The fields with the Chat Bubble icon allows for an Attendee to enter a text message up to 320 characters.

When finished be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page or to the right, click on the Update button.