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Single Moderator

All the moderator features of Registrix are performed by one person

From the left side menu, click on Dashboard, then click Live Events Control Panel. Now select the event to moderate. In the lower panel, to the right side select the DSM tab.


On the Left side box are messages that have been sent to the Queue. Once a message has been sent into the queue, you can then choose to On Screen this message and display the message. By clicking the Hide link, the message will be removed from the DSM queue.

Once the message is On Screen this is the active message. Once you are finished displaying this message, click the Remove From Screen or simply click another On Screen in the Queue as that will update the On Screen message.

Create Message Button

You can create a special message just to send to the speaker to inform them of any information. Click the Create Message button, then enter a message and click Update. The message is now in the Queue and ready to be sent.

Adding Messages into the Queue

In all moderator panels in the Dashboard there is a option called Queue DSM. Simply click this link once and the message will be sent into the queue. If the DSM Moderator hides the message and you want to reshow it, simply repeat the Queue DSM link.

Special Notes

In some situations the amount of characters to display on the monitor will scroll down the display. If you are operating the laptop that the DSM URL is connected to, then just scroll down so that the speaker can see all of the text.

Audience Reactions

If you are running the audience reactions service, the DSM monitor will not display the reactions while any message is on screen. To return back to the audience reactions, simply remove the On Screen message.

Anytime there is an on screen message, the audience reaction icons will not appear on the screen.