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Title Description Section


The Title Description section includes drop downs for event selections. To activate this section click anywhere in the blue bar. The down arrow means there is data to be displayed.

You can select the Stream Type, Live or On Demand.

Select the Category that this event will be associated to.

Set the Login Template if you are in the Per Event mode, otherwise this drop down will not appear.

You must select the Watch Template the event will be using.

The Estimated viewers allows the Registrix system to scale to the event size.

The Title is a required field.

The Event Description uses a text editor and will be about a description of the event.

The Event Poll allows the event to be assigned to a poll. A poll must be created in advanced of the event. The poll must be assigned before the event actually starts otherwise the audience will not recieve the polling data.


Polls are not designed to change during the event. If you have multiple speakers with different polls, then all the poll item must be in the one poll setup.