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Searching of Participants

Participants are not require to be associated with a Group. Participants accounts created here can access the Attendee app.

Registrix will not allow you to enter a duplicate Email. This field requires a unique entry (this field is encrypted within the tables).

In order to work with any participant, you start at the Search Participants bar. If you just click the Search button without any filters, Registrix will return up to 1,000 rows to review.

Docs Version Dropdown

Filter rules

There is a minimum of 4 characters to enter to search for a email address.

using the Groups drop down, you can display only those that are related to the group

using the Status drop down, will display only these in that status

The Active status allows you to show only those in the active state


Up to 1,000 results based on the search criteria will display. There is another Search option to the upper right side that will search within the results. You can click on any of the header to resort the results.

Click on the Add button at the top of the screen to create a participant.

To edit a participant click on the blue email address or click on the gear icon in the action column.

In the action column there is a Toggle Active. By clicking on this option will toggle the Active status.