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Uploading Participants

Participants can be uploaded via a CSV comma delimited file.


We recommend no spaces in the filename, you can use event34.csv as example of a file name.

You must have a header row in the very first line. The only mandatory header name is email and/or userid. The valid header names are and must be in lowercase and no spaces in the words:

email, userid, accesscode, sal, fname, mname, lname, pronoun, suffix

Excepted values for Sal: Mr, Ms, Mx, Mrs, Miss, Dr, Judge

Excepted values for Pronouns: she/her, he/him, they/them

How to upload

Prepare the CSV file locally on your desktop. Within the Registrix application, on the left side menu click on Participant, then Upload CSV.

If you want the users to be attached to a group, select the group. It is not required that the users be attached to a group.

Click in the area called "Drag and drop a file here or click" to browser to where the file is located on your local machine.

Click the Upload button to start. During the process do not switch tabs. Wait until the process has completed.